November 8, 2006

Quick Post from Learning 2006

A quick post before I go to the first session. There were some great sessions yesterday. I attend one on competencies, a great debate on whether Instructional Design is dead or not, (Tom King was on the Dead side who I later got to have a cool conversation with.) and Wayne Hodgins gave a great presentation on Mashups and why they are so important. I also got to talk to Wayne after the session for a moment, that was cool. Finally, Dennis Dammerman, former CFO for GE talked about how GE valued education and he said that he never required his organization to proof ROI as a number. Very interesting because GE spent a huge amount of money on training and learning during the Jack Welch era.

Tom King mentioned that I should check out Adobe Apollo(sp?) and that the had given a live demo at MAXX that was cool.

I am about to head off to another session on social networks and I am hoping to get some more understanding about how LearningFlow might help serve the needs of corporations. I haven't really been thinking about large businesses, but I think that there might be a fit for them as well.

It would be good to go back and reconstruct my path through Learning2006 with links to the wiki, but I don't know if I will have time. Another Mashup needing to be born.

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