May 9, 2008

Twitter Crowds


Crowdstatus is a really interesting idea, but could really be a lot more. I know is in Alpha and I am not complaining about it at all. Actually I think it is a great idea. There needs to be a lot more control around twitter and levels of privacy. You need Twitter to be the primary service, so everyone can join, but I would like to have a twitter group just for my immediate family, one for my customers are work, and then maybe a public feed.

The reality is that we share different things with different people. I would love to let my family know where I am and what's happening. Not that I really want to keep that from the world, I just don't want to bother the 52 people following me on twitter with the information.

Crowdstatus has this type of potential.

I mentioned something like this a year ago in my first post about twitter. Twitter will continue to gain in popularity and it will continue to get more valuable.


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