March 7, 2007

Incredible Presentation the will Make you think about your Job!

An incredible presentation by Nancy Orthberg, make time to check this out. I got it form here. Signal Without Noise--by Guy Kawasaki


  1. Anonymous7:17 PM

    I work for Guy Kawasaki. Thanks for your awesome comments about Nancy Orthberg's presentation, as well as the link to Guy's blog!

    Virtual Assistant

  2. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Hi Lee,

    Thanks for the pointer. This was a sermon that I needed right now. I subscribe to Guy Kawasaki; however, as I rarely get outside of my Learning, KM and technology folders lately it could have been a long time to find this if not for you. Thanks for being the boundary-spanner, including across religious beliefs, that I needed. The message is universal.

  3. @ Mary-Louise, Thanks for leaving a note and tell Guy thanks for posting it.

    @ Ray, I was so excited about the sermon, I am glad you got something out of it as well!
