June 14, 2007

PLE: not personal and not learning

Stephen made a case that personal learning environments are personal, and I didn't like that he insinuated that corporations try to own people (or something similar) and they aren't personal. Now, Mark says that we (the blogeSphere) are using the term "learning" a little too liberally.
Please stop using the word "learning" like its something that we can package and sell or even give away. You wanna know what a PLE is? Its called your head.
I want to agree with Mark and I haven't really tried to define a PLE yet, but I have a hard time coming up with the terms that describe what we are talking about. But here is what I got...

It's an ecosystem of connected educational resources facilitated by a (large) set of tools and fueled by collaboration opportunities facilitating the consumption of content that enables an increased understanding of specific knowledge domains.

That went a little crazy, but what's your thought... if it isn't a Personal Learning Environment what is it?


  1. Lee - because I can't really separate my work and my learning in most cases, I use the term personal work learning environment (PWLE - pronounced p-whale).

  2. That is pretty good Tony. I really don't know how anyone would seperate them. By the way, your blog just rocks. I have no idea how you stay on top of it!
