I had a really cool opportunity last night to watch live college football in high definition on a movie screen. It was awesome. The picture quality was just unbelievable. You could see the rubber pellets that are commonly thrown around on Mountaineer Field and the instant replays were crystal clear.

The experience was unique and during the commercials the different personalities at ESPN. We got to hear Lou Holtz tell us he was born in the state of West Virginia many times. The talked to many of the radio personalities from ESPNRadio and even had the on field reporter do a segment. There was a lot of "behind the scenes" stuff being discussed and shown.

I would to tally recommend that, if given the opportunity you try to catch a game this way. The ticket was $10, the atmosphere a little more family friendly then going to the stadium, and the theater brought in pizza at the half (although it didn't taste good at all).

I am guessing that ESPN will learn that this is a pretty compelling way to watch football. The feed was given to 8(?) theaters in West Virginia and Kentucky and there was good attendance at the theater we attended.

The best thing was seeing my son get excited about Mountaineer Football.
I shot a couple of videos... but they were pretty poor...
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