November 6, 2006

Learning 2.0... the Session

Brent Schlenker is starting the learning2.0 session. He is asking what web2.0 is... Application is the platform. Everyone is creating content, not is the traditional format. The feeding things to folks who have decided to opt in. These are raw notes.

Rip. Mixed. and Feed culture. We take it and turn into something and send it back out there.

Brent talks about Jon Udell's screencast of wikipedia. He recommends that you check it out. Brent explains that every month that goes by it changes. One question, is "How many people are blogging about their company?" A few hands went up.

A question brings us back to what is web 2.0? Brent explains that it is about how people are using the web. He feels it is all about the stuff. All the new tools, new start-ups, pulling all this together. A question is then asked about web2.0 vs Internet 2. I guess this discussion isn't going to get too deep...

RSS, Blogs, and Wikis. How are we going to create platforms that are universal? RSS is possibly one of these systems connectors.

Disney allows about 4500 people that are regularly blogging on their internal site.
Semens is currently doing a lot of agile development. The updates come by the minute and update the wikis all the time. They are regulated heavily, but they do it with guardrails. Versioning, audit trails support that process. They are starting to work on developing a product on the fly, while the FDA monitors the process.

(details should be posted on the web)

One thing is that environments will tend to police themselves. Our own skeptical nature doesn't allow this to be possible, but Brent encourages that it can help. Our current systems will become obsolete if we do not enable this process. All current documentation becomes completely outdated if it is only 6 weeks old. Gatekeepers can cause this aging.

The CEO can get into the water cooler loop by allowing people to blog within the organization. One question is that people may not be candid within the organization.

This is much less about the technology then about an extreme culture shift. These are all new things in participating in this environment. Most kids have no problem in baring their souls on MySpace.

Brent talks about learning2.0 being able to extend the conversation among those invested in content creation. The most valiable stuff is the "quickly etible stuff". Really short video snippets. Rip. Fix. and Feed.

Question: What about intellectual propert? This is a tough question.

Example from UK is the open university. Putting content out into public space. Mentoring and coaching will be the value add.

I hear about all this stuff... but how do you get your feet wet.

The wiki for this session is here.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:58 PM

    For those of us who couldn't attend, thanks for LiveBlogging this. It's nice to know that people are buzzing about all these Web2.0 features as they relate to learning.

