November 26, 2007

Supporting Incremental Relevancy

Interestingly, there are companies that are zeroing in on this exact problem. Mahalo, Jason Calacanis' new, people-powered search and KnowNow, who is focused on RSS for the enterprise. These companies are talking about and pushing solutions to improve the signal to noise ratio on the web. These two particular companies are approaching it in different ways.

One Mahalo is using a "humans as aggregators" approach. This means that they are actually creating search result pages that they feel best address the search term or topic. Early results seem to be pretty well done.

KnowNow is "RSS-ifing" as much data as possible, allowing for very sophisticated filtering options. This approach should allow corporations to continually create new mash-ups that combine existing and new data sources and deliver them through RSS to a host of devices.

Both of these approaches address the support of incremental relevancy, that is continually improving the relevance of the information that you are engaging in or giving your attention to...

There may be some links to Pattern Recognition Theory. Stephen Downes is discussing this at his blog. Do we learn be recognizing the connections in the information? I think so...

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